Add an Employee Goal for Yourself

Employees can add goals for themselves, which they manage outside the appraisal process.

Depending on configuration, users may have rights to add employee goals by importing goals from the Goals library, or from other users such as managers, your manager's direct reports, and your past goals. Users may also have rights to enter information in the fields on the screen, to create a goal from scratch.

To add a goal for yourself:

  1. Click Performance > My Goals.
  2. Click Create Employee Goal.
  3. Click on a link in the Import section to use an existing goal as a template for your goal, or skip to step 4 to create a goal from scratch. If you import a goal, you can edit any of the details you import in the next step.
  4. Enter information in the following fields:
    Goal Name Enter a name for your goal.
    Goal Score Type Select a score type, such as No Score or Percentage Complete.
    Description Enter a short description of the goal.
    Start Date Select the date you will begin progress toward meeting this goal.
    Target Date Select the date you expect to complete the goal.
    Related Goal Click Browse to link this goal to another goal, perhaps one with the same larger strategic objective.
    Private Click to mark the goal private, which hides it from users who are not directly involved with any appraisal the goal may be linked with at a later date. Scores and ratings are always private, regardless of this option.
  5. Click Submit to save the goal.